Radqueer Education

Welcome to the radqueer educational carrd! This carrd will go over what exactly "radqueer" is, terms related to the topic of radqueers, and more. If you are new to this topic, please try to look at this with an open mind. You do not have to agree with everything here in order to be respectful!NOTE: some sections in this carrd may be rather long! This carrd is also best viewed on desktop and may look a bit crowded on mobile!

What is Radqueer?

Radqueer, often broken down to Radical Queerness, is a blanket term that covers a list of ideologies while technically being an ideology in itself.
While there is seemingly a lot of debate surrounding the label itself and its exact meaning, it is generally agreed that the basis of the radqueer ideology is acceptance of all queer identities to a radical extent.
This includes accepting and supporting controversial queer identities such as;
- mspec monos (ex: bi/pan/omni lesbians/gays)
- overlapping or contradictory labels
(ex: lesboys/turigirls)

- trans-identities including non-gender
transids (ex: transrace, transage, etc.)

- paraphilias and parasexualities
The ideology also includes support for non-queer related subjects such as;
- non-traumagenic systems
- freedom in fiction (ex: pro/com/darkship,
dark fiction, etc.)

- non-humanism (ex: therians, otherkins, etc.)
- bodily autonomy
Generally speaking, and to sum this all up, radqueer means "live and let live" to it's fullest extent in terms of personal identity! Due to this radical acceptance, there has been a decently sized community built around this ideology and different branches of it, known as the Radqueer Community.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of questions that are frequently asked to radqueer/adjacent folk, and some answers to those questions!"Is the Radqueer Community a Cult?"
Nope! The radqueer community is just a community built around the radqueer ideology. Oftentimes, radqueer antis will try to apply the B.I.T.E model to radqueers and will use that as a way to try to scare people away from the radqueer community, but this same thing can be applied to many other online spaces (including many anti-radqueer communities) and show similar results!
Additionally, the radqueer community does not fit the B.I.T.E model as many people will claim it does, as it lacks many of the features of a genuine cult.
"Are All Transid Users White, Able-Bodied, Privileged People?"
Also no! Oftentimes, transid folk are already disabled, POC, or non-privileged! Of course, there may be some who are white, able-bodied, privileged people who use transids, but it is their identity and they are free to label themselves as they please!
"Do You Need to Support All Transids/Paras to be Radqueer?"
Yes and no. The basis of the radqueer ideology is acceptance and respect of people and their personal identities, however as long as you are respectful to everyone and accept that they may identify as something that you do not personally agree with, all is good! You are also more than welcome to block people who you would rather not associate with. At the end of the day, just be respectful, and you're all good!
"Is Radqueer Inherently Pro-Abuse?"
Not at all. As stated earlier on in this carrd, the radqueer ideology, as it currently stands, has no stance on acting on paraphilias, which is the abusive behavior that radqueer antis are referring to when claiming this community is pro-abuse. This is based on a much earlier adaptation of the term where the coiner was very openly pro-contact, however this has since been changed.
"Can I be Radqueer Without Being a Paraphile/Transid?"
Yep! Transid and para allies are completely welcome in the community and are, of course, allowed to identify with the ideology! As long as you are respectful and non-exclusionist, you are good to go!
"Can Transids be Used for Fun?"
Mhm! While some may have lengthy, in-depth reasons to identify the way they do, others may use a label just for fun or just because it feels right to them. Neither is more or less valid than the other, and both are accepted by the community and general ideology!
Got other questions? Feel free to message @radqueer on discord!


This is a small list of resources that contain information relating to things that are, in some way, related to radqueers!Para Resources
paraphilia carrd
paraphilic disorders
-philic flags
para flags wiki
list of paras
Transid Resources
transid index
transid carrd
transplural carrd
term archive
term archive 2
term archive 3
Other Resources
endogenic carrd
proship carrd
emoji combos
emoji combos 2
numerous resources in one